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Radiation Oncology


Role of Radiationtherapy

Role of RT in cancer treatment (vs. other modalities) (ASTRO) - Video - Lecture 22 Alternative Treatment Modalities

Types of Cancer Treatment (NCI and NIH) - HTML - Types of Cancer Treatment - Overview

Role of Radiation Therapy (NCI and NIH) - HTML - Types of Cancer Treatment - Radiation Therapy

Role in Palliative Care (JCO Journal Article) - HTML - Role of RT in Palliative Care

Aim of Radiotherapy

Aim of radiotherapy with respect to: Tissue tolerances; Required accuracy; Therapeutic gain; Palliative vs. curative; Clinical “target” (ASTRO) - Video - Lecture 17, 18, 19; RadOnc Review for LCinical trials data and constraints.

Cancer Disease and Radiation Oncology

Cancer Biology (Cancer Quest: Emory Winship Cancer Institute) - HTML - Overview of Cancer Biology

Radiobiology Full Course (ASTRO) - Video - Radiobiology Lecutures

Introduction to Cancer Staging (Princess Margaret Cancer Campus - Free Course) - Other - Introduction to Cancer Staging: Princess Margaret Cancer Campus

Cancer Staging (NCI) - HTML - National Cancer Institute Cancer Staging: Introduction to TNM

Tumour Grade (NCI) - HTML - National Cancer Institute Cancer Staging: Introduction to Tumour Grade

Pathology (NCI) - HTML - National Cancer Institute Cancer Staging: Introduction to Patholgy

TNM classifications: Site based (UICC) - Video - UICC TNM E-Learning Modules (Free): Site specific classifications

Head & Neck Cancer (Brian O'Sullivan, PMH) - Video - General Principles of Head & Neck Cancer Management

Radiotherapy Treatment Induced Changes

Basic Principles of Radiotherapy: Neurological tumours (Glenn Bauman, London Health Sciences, Canada) - Video - Principles of Modern Day Radiotherapy : Neurologic tumours

External Beam Fractionation

Treatment Interruptions (NHS) - PDF - NHS guidelines for treatment interruptions

Intro to Radiation Biology and Physics (Harvard/U Chicago RO Education Collaborative Study Group) - Video - Introduction to Radiation Biology & Physics

Dose fractionation guidelines (NHS) - PDF - NHS radiotherapy regimens and guidelines

Dose fractionation guidelines (ASTRO) - HTML - ASTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines

Calculating Equivalent Dose

Perform calculations to convert dose between brachytherapy LDR/HDR and external beam radiation therapy. (ABS) - HTML - Worksheet from the ABS website to convert HDR fractionations into BED, normalized therapy doses (NTD) or EQD2


Retreatment (ABS) - HTML - Special Medical Physics Consult Process for Reirradiation Patients


Introduction Radiobiology Part 1 (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Introduction Radiobiology Part 2 (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

LET and RBE (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Choice of Radiation Type (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Basic Radiochemistry (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Basic: Chemotherapy Modifiers (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

DNA Damage: Part 1 (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

DNA Damage: Part 2 (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Cell Survival Curves: Part 1 (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Cell Survival Curves: Part 2 (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Impact of Dose Rate (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Repair DNA (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Re-assortment (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Re-Population (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Re-Oxygenation (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Radiotherapy (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Deterministic Effects (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Stochastic Effects (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Basic: Radiation Protection (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Basic: Radiation Regulations (JJ Battista / Western University & Eric Hall) - Video - Radiobiology Course

Radiobiological rationale for accuracy in RT (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Radiobiological rationale for accuracy in RT: Bentzen

Treatment Modality and Linear Energy Transfer (LET)

Rationale behind treatment options with respect to LET – protons, heavy ions, etc (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Normal Tissue Response to Radiation

Normal tissues: Dose contstraints; early vs late responding tissues (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

QUANTEC: full supplement (IJORB Journal Article) - Document - QUANTEC: Full supplement

Organ specific dose constraints (QUANTEC) (IJORB Journal Article) - Document - Use of NTCP models in the clinic: Marks et al

QUANTEC and the clinical physicist (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - QUANTEC and the clinical physicist: Marks et al

QUANTEC and the clinical physicist (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - QUANTEC and the clinical physicist: Jackson

HYTEC (AAPM / IJORB Journal Library) - Document - HYTEC for SBRT doses

Radiobiology Limitations and Rationales

Demonstrate an understanding of Biological Treatment Planning – parameters for different tumour types and potential for individualised treatment. (PS Basran, PhD) - Document - PSBasran Lecture notes on planning and radiobiology

Supplement to Lecture (Radiology Today) - Document - Oncology News: Biology-Guided Radiation Therapy — A Look at the Not-So-Distant Future of Cancer Treatment

Understanding of limitations of utilising radiobiology calculations in the clinic. (PMB Journal Article) - PDF - The linear quadratic model: usage, interpretation and challenges (open access)

Understand the radiobiological rationale for combination therapy (e.g. chemotherapy and radiotherapy) and report on patient case studies. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tumor Impact on Organ and Its Function

Understand the nature and effects of a tumour on an organ and its function. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Disease Spread and Metasteses

Identify the main routes of spread of disease and metastases for common cancer sites. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Introduction to Metastases (Cancer Quest: Emory Winship Cancer Institute) - HTML - Overview of Metastases

Common Sites of Metastasis (NCI / NIH) - HTML - Metastatic Cancer - Where it spreads:

Identification of Cancer in Imaging

Identify abnormal size and function of organs due to primary tumours and metastases on radiological, PET and nuclear medicine images. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Staging and Grading

Understand the clinical decision making process of cancer diagnosis of a patient (i.e. relation of presenting symptoms to tumour type). (nan) - Missing Resource - Link to ASTRO and NHS guidelines Submodule 1.1A

Combine with 1.3.3

Understand tumour grading and staging (ASTRO) - Document - ASTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines

RT Induced Anatomy Changes

Anatomic and physiological changes to body/organ due to radiotherapy (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiotherapy Side Effects: Intro and site specific (NCI / NIH) - HTML - RT side effects: Overview and site specific

CT Image Anatomy

Identify key anatomical features of CT cross sectional images (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Whole brain atlas (Harvard Education) - HTML - Whole brain atlas

Sectional Anatomy: CT & MR (Sectional anatomy Org) - HTML - Sectional Anatomy CT & MR

Sectional Anatomy: CT & MR, contrast (Radiopedia Library) - HTML - Radiopaedia Labelled Imaging

*** The above training topics taken from the IAEA is a duplication of some of the topics in Sub module 1.2 *** (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Patient Education in Radiation Therapy

Patient Education: Patient Journey for radiation treatment (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: Patient Journey for radiation treatment

Patient Education: CT Simulation; What to Expect (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: CT Simulation; What to Expect

Patient Education: Receiving Treatment (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: Receiving Treatment

Patient Education: Finishing Treatment (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: Finishing Treatment

Patient Education: Behind the Scenes (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: Behind the Scenes

Patient Education: Quality & Safety (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: Quality & Safey

Patient Education: Radiation Therapy 101 (Accelerated Education Program PMH) - Video - Patient Education: Radiation Therapy 101


Radiation Safety & Protection Principles

Analyze and understand the policies for protection and safety as laid down in the QA programme of the local department and compare to national legislation, the International BSS and recommendations by the ICRP (IAEA) - Presentation-PPT - IAEA presentation on Radiation Protection

General Principles for the Radiation Protection of Workers (ICRP 75) - PDF - General Principles for the Radiation Protection of Workers

Radiological Protection and Safety in Medicine (ICRP 73) - PDF - Radiological Protection and Safety in Medicine

Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population (ICRP 43) - PDF - Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population

Prevention of Accidents to Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy (ICRP 86) - PDF - Prevention of Accidents to Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy

Preventing Accidental Exposures from New External Beam Radiation Therapy Technologies (ICRP 112) - PDF - Preventing Accidental Exposures from New External Beam Radiation Therapy Technologies

Radiological Protection in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) (ICRP 129) - PDF - Radiological Protection in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions / Early and Late Effects of Radiation in Normal Tissues and Organs – Threshold Doses for Tissue Reactions in a Radiation Protection Context (ICRP 118) - PDF - ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions / Early and Late Effects of Radiation in Normal Tissues and Organs – Threshold Doses for Tissue Reactions in a Radiation Protection Context

Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE), Quality Factor (Q), and Radiation Weighting Factor (wR) (ICRP 92) - PDF - Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE), Quality Factor (Q), and Radiation Weighting Factor (wR)

Nonstochastic Effects of Ionizing Radiation (ICRP 41) - PDF - Nonstochastic Effects of Ionizing Radiation

Comparison of radiation protection standards

Compile a list of all local documents on radiation protection and compare with relevant international standards (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Legislative Requirements

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Write and/or critically review local radiation safety related administrative and management procedures. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Current Laws and Regulations

Current Laws and Regulations (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Canadian Regulations by the CNSC (CNSC) - HTML - Canadian Regulations for Class II Nuclear by CNSC

US Radiation Protection NRC (US NRC) - HTML - U.S. NRC Governing Legislation : Civilain Uses of Nuclear Materials and Facilities

UK Radiation Protection (Health Safety UK) - HTML - Health and Safety UK

Local responsibilities, authorization, individuals involved

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Local license publications

List local license publications applying to treatment units and explain them with respect to conditions and limitations (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Instructions for Staff and Public

Read instructions on radiation protection provided to staff and patients (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Survey Meters : Selection, calibration, and principles of operation

Survey Meters : Selection, calibration, and principles of operation (IAEA) - PDF - Section 4.3 Area Survey Meters of Radiation Monitoring Systems

Radiation Survey

Radiation Survey (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Linac Radiation Monitoring and Surveys: Instruments and Methods

nan (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Environmental Radiation Measurements: Documentation Examples

Individual Radiation Monitors : Selection, calibration, and principles of operation

Individual Radiation Monitors : Selection, calibration, and principles of operation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection of Workers (ICRP 35) - HTML - General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection of Workers

Acceptance tests and commissioning of a treatment facility

Compile the steps relevant to radiation protection to be performed during acceptance tests and commissioning of a treatment facility (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiotherapy equipment interlocks (inc. Brachytherapy)

Understand the various interlocks required on radiotherapy equipment, including remote afterloading brachytherapy equipment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Operation instructions for equipment and facilities

Compile and monitor local relevant operation instructions for equipment and facilities (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


Translate examples of existing operating instructions from major world language into local language if applicable (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Inventory and tracking of resources

Equipment inventory, keeping records, comply with standards (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Safety system/code of practice for radiation sources

Design of a safety system/code of practice for radiation sources (storage, inventory, book-keeping, labelling, transport, requirements) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Safe operation of source related equipment (leak tests, risk assessments) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Design radiation emergency procedures (fire, brachytherapy equipment malfunction, loss of radioactive sources)

Design radiation emergency procedures (fire, brachytherapy equipment malfunction, loss of radioactive sources) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Legislative compliance, safety & protection measures, proper use of equipment)

Legislative compliance, safety & protection measures, proper use of equipment) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Reporting of radiation incidents

Reporting of radiation incidents (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Disposal and Return of Radioactive Materials

Disposal and Return of Radioactive Materials (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Local legislative, international standards and recommendations, source and equipment to be installed, patient load, room design

Local legislative, international standards and recommendations, source and equipment to be installed, patient load, room design (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation Risk Assessment

Radiation Risk Assessment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Design a radiotherapy room (shielding design, layout, expected treatments, safety/interlocks)

Design a radiotherapy room (shielding design, layout, expected treatments, safety/interlocks) (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Shielding Design in Radiation Oncology Departments

Review of radiation interactions with in context of shielding materials (Ernest Osei, PhD) - PDF - Review of Interactions with Matter in context of shielding materials

Design and Shielding of Radiotherapy Treatment Facilities (IOP Science) - HTML - IPEM Report 75 2nd edition - textbook

Calculation of Radiation Shield Calculation of Radiation Shield Barriers Barriers for Radiotherapy Treatment Rooms (L. Oliver, PhD) - PDF - Presentation Design

Shielding design and calculation for Linac Bunkers (Ernest Osei, PhD) - PDF - Linac room design and shielding calculations

Shielding design and calculation for CT and Superficial/Orthovoltage (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - kV shielding design calculations

Shielding design and calculation for Brachytherapy (C. Caldwell, PhD) - PDF - Shielding for brachytherapy

Optimizing Cost Benefits for Shielding and Room Design (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Cost Benefit for Shielding/Design

Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Optimization of Radiation Protection (ICRP 37) - HTML - Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Optimization of Radiation Protection

Shielding Construction: What can go wrong? (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Shielding Construction Issues

Calculating radiation dose levels areas & staff/public

Calculating radiation dose levels areas & staff/public (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Conducting radiation survey and monitoring

Conducting radiation survey and monitoring (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation protection principles to medical, occupational and public exposure: ALARA

Radiation protection principles to medical, occupational and public exposure: ALARA (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Minimizing dose to fetus, organs and patient devices (pacemakers)

Minimizing dose to fetus, organs and patient devices (pacemakers) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Biological Effects after Prenatal Irradiation (Embryo and Fetus) (ICRP 90) - HTML - Biological Effects after Prenatal Irradiation (Embryo and Fetus)

Fetus (ICRP 84) - PDF - ICRP Publication 84: Pregnancy and Medical Radiation

Fetal Dose (AAPM Task Group Report) - PDF - AAPM TG-36

Calibrating devices using international codes of practice / source strength

Calibrating devices using international codes of practice / source strength (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Workers radiation safety obligations and responsibilities

Workers radiation safety obligations and responsibilities (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Defining Controlled Areas

Defining Controlled Areas (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Principles and practice for personal dosimeters (exposure assessment, frequency, rules, records)

Principles and practice for personal dosimeters (exposure assessment, frequency, rules, records) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Personal Dosimetry Systems

Personal Dosimetry Systems (IAEA) - Presentation - Individual Monitoring of Radiation Monitoring Systems

Calculating dose / exposure from beta particles and gamma sources

Calculations for dose or exposure from beta particles and gamma sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Radiation Protection Dose equivalent and effective dose

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Radiation Protection Risk models, dose limits and monitoring

Radiation protection area surveys surrounding radiation facilities

Radiation protection area surveys surrounding radiation facilities (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Radiation Protection Shielding and surveys

Risk factors of radiation

Risk factors of radiation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation emergency planning

Radiation emergency planning (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Formal risk assessment of procedures

Formal risk assessment of procedures (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Plan and practice contingencies (equipment malfunction, lost source, spill)

Plan and practice contingency measures, e.g. equipment malfunction, lost source, spill (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Decontamination procedures of spill of radioactive liquids

Decontamination procedures of spill of radioactive liquids (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Response procedures in the event of unnecessary dose to one or more individuals

Response procedures in the event of unnecessary dose to one or more individuals (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Responding to machine malfunction, sealed source loss or misuse, unsealed source loss, misuse or spillage.

Be familiar with response procedures in the event of machine malfunction, sealed source loss or misuse, unsealed source loss, misuse or spillage. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Principles and practice of radiation safety and protection in brachytherapy under normal and emergency situations

Principles and practice of radiation safety and protection in brachytherapy under normal and emergency situations (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Local legislative requirements and international recommendations on quality and safety standards of brachytherapy equipment and procedures

Local legislative requirements and international recommendations on quality and safety standards of brachytherapy equipment and procedures (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Potential hazards and risks in brachytherapy

Potential hazards and risks in brachytherapy (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation Safety Aspects of Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer using Permanently Implanted Sources (ICRP 98) - Document - Radiation Safety Aspects of Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer using Permanently Implanted Sources

Safety requirements of Legislation and Guidelines/code of practice

Safety requirements of Legislation and Guidelines/code of practice (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Functionality and properties of radiation monitoring and protection equipment/tools

Functionality and properties of radiation monitoring and protection equipment/tools (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation risk assessment

Radiation risk assessment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

System of radiation protection for protection of Staff, Patients, and Other personnel

A system of radiation protection for protection of Staff, Patients, and Other personnel (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Safety system for radiation sources (security, inventory and tracking)

Safety system for radiation sources (security, inventory and tracking) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Delivery, storage, and release of radiation sources for clinical use

Delivery, Storage, and Release for Clinical Use (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Disposal and Transportation of radiation sources

Disposal and Transportation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Local radiation safety rules, instructions, and operational procedures/guidelines

Local radiation safety rules, instructions, and operational procedures/guidelines (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation emergency procedures (fire, brachy equipment malfunction, loss of sources)

Radiation emergency procedures (fire, brachy equipment malfunction, loss of sources) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Prevention of High-dose-rate Brachytherapy Accidents (ICRP 97) - HTML - Prevention of High-dose-rate Brachytherapy Accidents

nan (Radiating Hope/Rayos) - Video - Emergency Procedures

Radiation monitoring/surveys of Rooms, Staff, and Patients

Radiation monitoring/surveys of Rooms, Staff, and Patients (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Regular source inventory check

Regular source inventory check (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Leakage test of sources

Leakage test of sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Testing treatment interlocks of afterloading equipment, and radiation monitoring and warning systems

Testing treatment interlocks of afterloading equipment, and radiation monitoring and warning systems (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Supervise/monitor and record the transfer of sources

Supervise/monitor and record the transfer of sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Compliance with legislative requirements (license applications, safety/protection, protective equipment and tools)

Compliance with legislative requirements (license applications, safety/protection, protective equipment and tools) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Incident reporting (recording and documentation)

Incident reporting involving radiation ; recording and documentation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Local requirements on radiation safety and protection

Local legislative and international standards & requirements on radiation safety and protection (IAEA Training Course) - Presentation-PPT - nan

Patient load, treatment services offered, and equipment

Patient load, treatment services offered, and equipment (K.Mah, MSc) - Presentation-PPT - nan

Room layout (sterility, patient flow, work flow, supply logistics)

Room layout requirements taking into consideration the requirements for sterility, patient flow, work flow, staff manoeuvre, and supply logistics (K.Mah, MSc) - Presentation-PPT - nan

Neutrons (E. Osei, PhD) - Presentation-PPT - nan

Radiation risk assessment

Radiation risk assessment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation shielding requirements (layout, anticipated workloads/treatments, occupancy)

Radiation shielding requirements (layout, anticipated workloads/treatments, occupancy) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Shielding materials for doors, walls, ceilings, floors

Shielding materials for doors, walls, ceilings, floors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiotherapy Shielding design (G. Grogan, PhD) - PDF - Shielding for Brachytherapy bunker

Radiation warning signs and signals (alarms, interlocks, CCTs)

Radiation warning signs and signals (alarms, interlocks, CCTs) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Calculating radiation dose levels (areas, staff, etc.)

Calculating radiation dose levels (areas, staff, etc.) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Conduct radiation survey and monitoring

Conduct radiation survey and monitoring (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Assessing Radiation Survey Results

Assessing Radiation Survey Results (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


The quantity and unit to be measured

Ionization Fundamentals (Website) - HTML - NPL Course - Quantities, Units, and Ionising Radiation Fundamentals

Overview of Dosimetry (Website) - HTML - NPL Course - Overview of Dosimetry

Dosimetry Principles, Quantities and Units (IAEA Course Notes (A. Nahum, PhD)) - HTML - IAEA Course notes - DosimetricPrinciples, Quantities and Units

Atomic Structure (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Basic Physics Atomic structure

Nuclear structure basics (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Nuclear Structure and Decay Nuclear structure and energetics

Nuclear strucuture and decay (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Nuclear Structure and Decay Nuclear decay schemas

Nuclear exponential decay (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Mathematics of Nuclear Decay Exponential decay

Nuclear decay & Equilibrium (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Mathematics of Nuclear Decay Equilibrium of isotopes

Ion Chambers - Dose, Kerma, Attenuation (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Photon beams, Dose and Kerma Beam attenuation and spectrum

Ion Chambers - Dose, Kerma (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Photon beams, Dose and Kerma Dose and kerma

Ion Chambers - Radiative Loss (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Particle Interactions with Matter Radiative energy loss

Ion Chambers - Collisional Energy Loss (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Particle Interactions with Matter Collisional energy loss

Ion Chambers - Neutrons & LET (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Particle Interactions with Matter Neutron energy loss and LET

Influence effects on the measured quantity (air density, recombination, polarity, warm-up, stem effects, leakage, humidity)

Particles (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Basic Physics Particles and

Influence effects on the measured quantity (air density, recombination, polarity, warm-up, stem effects, leakage, humidity) (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - (Link to Ion Chambers, Dose, Kerma)

nan (Website) - HTML - NPL Course - Maintenance and general care of secondary standard and field instruments

nan (Website) - HTML - NPL Course - Setting up and carrying out a check source measurement

Correction factors

Correction factors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Influence effects (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiation quality (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Perturbation effects caused by the chamber cavity, chamber wall, central electrode, or by the replacement of medium by the chamber (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Perform dose measurements with a range of ionization chambers to demonstrate understanding and correct application of the characteristics given above

Perform dose measurements with a range of ionization chambers to demonstrate understanding and correct application of the characteristics given above (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Ionization Chambers Introduction to dose measurement

TLDs: Learn and understand

TLDs: Learn and understand (IAEA Course Notes (J. Izewska and G. Rajan)) - PDF - IAEA Course Notes - Radiation_dosimeters

Commonly available TLDs (shapes, sizes and materials). (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Common examples of TLD measurements: eye, TBI etc. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

TLD measurements: preparation, precautions (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Basic structure and function of the photomultiplier tube. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

QA in TLD measurements (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter (OSLD)

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimeter (OSLD) (IAEA Course Notes (J. Izewska and G. Rajan)) - PDF - IAEA Course Notes - Radiation_dosimeters

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Other Radiation Measurement Devices Luminescent dosimeters

How do OSLDs work? (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Common examples of OSLD use (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

OSLD preparation, precautions (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Laser reading technology (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

QA for OSLD measurements (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Other Solid State Detectors

Other Solid State Detectors (IAEA Course Notes (J. Izewska and G. Rajan)) - PDF - IAEA Course Notes - Radiation_dosimeters

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Other Radiation Measurement Devices Diodes

Design of diodes, photon/electron diodes, shielding, pre-irradiation energy dependence. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Typical bias voltages and output currents (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


Film (IAEA Course Notes (J. Izewska and G. Rajan)) - PDF - IAEA Course Notes - Radiation_dosimeters

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Other Radiation Measurement Devices Film

IAEA TRS398 Code of Practice (TG-51 etc.)

Demonstrate a familiarity with the use of the IAEA TRS398 Code of Practice (or another accepted protocol) . Explain differences to other protocols (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - Electron-Dosimetry-at-NPL

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - kV X-Ray Dosimetry at NPL

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - Kilovoltage dosimetry in the clinic

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - MV Photon Dosimetry at NPL

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Ionization Chambers Dose measurement protocols

Determine radiation beam quality

How to determine the radiation quality for different types of radiation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Determining absorbed dose under reference conditions

Determination of absorbed dose under reference conditions using the TRS 398 Code of Practice and associated spreadsheets as provided by the IAEA for different types of beams (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (IAEA Course Notes (P. Andreo, J.P. Seuntjens, and E.B. Podgorsak)) - PDF - IAEA Presentation - Calibration_of_radiotherapy_beams

Cross calibration procedures for electrons

How to perform a cross calibration procedure in particular for electrons (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - Electron-Dosimetry-in-the-Clinic

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - MV Photon Dosimetry in the Clinic

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Analyse the uncertainty of dose calibration

Analyse the uncertainty of dose calibration (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - Evaluation of Uncertainties

Dosimeter related issues (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Appropriate use of dosimeters for relative dose measurements (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Factors influencing a dose measurement under non-reference conditions (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Phantom related issues (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understanding of the requirements on dosimeters and phantoms for measurements in phantoms (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Correction factors required for non water-equivalent phantom materials (differential for photons and electrons) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (AAPM Virtual Libaray) - PDF - TG 106 - Accelerator beam data commissioning equipment and procedures: Report of the TG‐106 of the Therapy Physics Committee of the AAPM

Operation of a water phantom system including knowledge of statistical analysis, correction facilities, hard copy print out etc that may be provided with the system (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Design criteria and purpose of common dosimetric accessories such as intercomparison jigs or blocks, calibration blocks etc. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

TPS related issues: (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Measuring in a water phantom: (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Percentage depth dose (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Beam profiles (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

TAR/TPR/TMR (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

scatter factors (collimator scatter factor, phantom scatter factor) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Measuring in a solid phantom: (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Wedge transmission factors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Total scatter factors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Collimator scatter factors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Compensator factors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Electron cutout factors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Transmission factors (tray, shield) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understand the Uncertainties in measurements (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Program / design for patient dose verification

Participate in an existing program or design a new program for patient dose verification. (nan) - Missing Resource - Provide brief descriptor of external link

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Quality Assurance QA of full dosimetry system

Patient-specific QA (absolute and relative dose)

Transfer the beam configuration of a specific patient treatment plan to an appropriate phantom, measure absolute dose at selected points of interest and compare results to calculated doses. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

TG-119, IMRT Commissioning (AAPM Report) - PDF - TG-119 IMRT Commissioning Tests Instructions for Planning, Measurement, and Analysis

Patient Specific QA (IAEA Course Notes) - PDF - Patient Specific Physics QA for IMRT

Patient Specific QA (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Quality Assurance Patient-specific QA

Evaluation methods, tolerance and/or action levels

Understand and use quantitative methods to describe the degree of compliance by using tolerance and/or action levels, e.g. the Gamma-Index method (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tolerances and limits for IMRT QA (AAPM Virtual Library) - Document - Tolerance limits and methodologies for IMRT measurement‐based verification QA : Recommendations of AAPM Task Group No. 218

Accepting / rejecting treatment plans

List the decision making process behind acceptance and rejection of a treatment plan. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tolerances and limits for IMRT QA (AAPM Virtual Library) - Document - Tolerance limits and methodologies for IMRT measurement‐based verification QA : Recommendations of AAPM Task Group No. 218

Establishing an in-vivo dosimetry program

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Types of in-vivo dosimetry

Advantages and disadvantages of an in-vivo dosimetry program and choice of dosimeter. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different methods (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Methods for in vivo dosimetry (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - Methods for in vivo dosimetry

In vivo dosimetry with diodes (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - In vivo dosimetry with diodes

Performing in-vivo dosimetry measurements

Perform in-vivo dosimetry measurements (including writing a case study report) (IAEA Training Course) - Presentation-PPT - nan

Lens of eye (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Infield Measurements for orthovoltage x-ray beams (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Infield Measurements for megavoltage x-rays beams (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Infield Measurements for electron beams (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understand the use of Electrometer, thermometer, barometer, water phantom, TLD system, Film densitometer/scanner

Understand the use of the following with respect to QA : Electrometer, thermometer, barometer, water phantom, TLD system, Film densitometer/scanner (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Acceptance, commissioning and QC checks for dosimetry equipment

Acceptance, commissioning and QC checks for dosimetry equipment (including ionization chambers, TLD, solid state detectors, film) according to a QA program. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Review and improve/implement a QA programme for dosimetry equipment.

Review and improve/implement a QA programme for dosimetry equipment. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Traceability to a PSDL for a calibration factor used for absolute dose determination

Traceability to a PSDL for a calibration factor used for absolute dose determination (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understand the IAEA TLD audit system

Understand the IAEA TLD audit system (IAEA Website) - HTML - IAEA website info

Requirements for quality assurance of an in-vivo dosimetry program

Requirements for quality assurance of an in-vivo dosimetry program (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understand the method to express uncertainties in dose measurement.

Understand the method to express uncertainties in dose measurement. (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - In-Vivo Dosimetry uncertainty


Orthovoltage Xray therapy unit

Orthovoltage Xray therapy unit (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - X-ray Tubes and Linacs X-ray tubes

Co-60 Unit

Co-60 Unit (J. Van Dyk, publication) - PDF - Cobalt-60

Linear Accelerators

Linear Accelerators (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - X-ray Tubes and Linacs Beam production in linear accelerators

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Medical Linear Accelerators Linear accelerator systems

MLC and MicroMLC

MLC, microMLC (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Medical Linear Accelerators Linac collimation system

nan (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - TG-50 "Basic Applications of Multileaf Collimators"

On-board Imaging: Electronic Portal Imagers

On-board Imaging: Electronic Portal Imagers (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

MV Planar Imaging: Overview & Physics (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Task Group #58, “Clinical Use of Electronic Portal Imaging.” AAPM

KV Planar Imaging: Overview & Physics (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Task Group #104, “The Role of In-Room kV X-Ray Imaging for Patient Setup and Target Localization

On-line vs Off-line image guidance strategies (PMB Journal Article) - Document - Real-time intrafraction motion monitoring in external beam radiotherapy

On-board Imaging: Cone Beam CT (CBCT)

On-board Imaging: Cone Beam CT (CBCT) (PMB Journal Article) - Document - Real-time intrafraction motion monitoring in external beam radiotherapy

MV Cone Beam CT Imaging: Overview & Physics (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Daily Localization: MV Cone Beam CT

MV Cone Beam CT Imaging: Overview & Physics (Frontiers Journal Article) - Document - Characterization of the Megavoltage Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (MV-CBCT) System on HalcyonTM for IGRT: Image Quality Benchmark, Clinical Performance, and Organ Doses

KV Cone Beam CT Imaging: Overview & Physics (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Task Group #104, “The Role of In-Room kV X-Ray Imaging for Patient Setup and Target Localization

CBCT Imaging Techniques (e.g., filter, FOV, imaging dose) (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - CBCT technology for RT

CBCT Doses: Management and Reduction (AAPM Virtual Library) - Document - Task Group #180: Image guidance doses delivered during radiotherapy: Quantification, management and reduction

On-line Imaging Strategies with kV CBCT (AAPM Virtual Library) - Document - Task Group #180: Image guidance doses delivered during radiotherapy: Quantification, management and reduction

Management of Imaging Dose during IGRT (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Task Group #75, “The management of imaging dose during image-guided radiotherapy

Management of Imaging Dose during IGRT (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG180 Image guidance doses delivered during radiotherapy: Quantification, management & reduction


Simulators (IAEA Radiation book, E. Podgorsak) - PDF - IAEA Radiation oncology booklet

CT Simulators

CT Simulators (IAEA Radiation book, E. Podgorsak) - PDF - IAEA Radiation oncology booklet

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - ographic Imaging Computed Tomography (CT)

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Radiographic Imaging Basic principles of radiography

Other Imaging : MRI, PET, ultrasound, etc

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Imaging II Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Imaging II Nuclear medicine & PET

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Imaging II Ultrasound

Treatment Planning System

Treatment Planning System (nan) - nan - nan

Record & Verification System

Record & Verification System (IAEA document) - PDF - Record and Verify Systems for Radiation Treatment of Cancer

Image Transfer Network

Image Transfer Network (PS Basran, PhD) - PDF - Medical informatics : the basics

Equipment Requisition and Acquisition

Equipment Requisition and Acquisition (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Review and report on department needs

Review and report on department needs (SSRMP) - PDF - Swiss society's Recommendation for the preparation of a quality handbook for radiation oncology

nan (nan) - PDF - Setting up a RT program

Analyse local and external restrictions placed on new equipment acquisition.

Analyse local and external restrictions placed on new equipment acquisition. (IAEA) - PDF - PLANNING NATIONAL RADIOTHERAPY SERVICES: A PRACTICAL TOOL

Compile and compare local legislative requirements and international recommendations on safety of equipment.

Compile and compare local legislative requirements and international recommendations on safety of equipment. (nan) - HTML - EU Criteria for Acceptability of Medical: Radiological Equipment used in Diagnostic, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine andRadiotherapy

Market research on equipment technology (same as 4.2C)

Research, technology assessment, procurement (IAEA) - PDF - Planning National Radiotherapy Services: A practical tool

Multidisciplinary Requirements for New Equipment

Multidisciplinary Requirements for New Equipment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tender Specification, Evaluation, & Recommendation

Tender Specification, Evaluation, & Recommendation (nan) - Document - WHO document Technical Specifications of Radiotherapy Equipment for Cancer Treatment

Principles, methods, and tools for acceptance testing of external beam equipment

Principles, methods, and tools for acceptance testing of external beam equipment (IAEA) - PDF - Acceptence Testing and Commissioning

nan (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - Monitor unit calculation

nan (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - Monitor unit calculation, practical examples

nan (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - guidelines for quality systems

Properties, Specifications, and Functionalities of Equipment

Properties, Specifications, and Functionalities of Equipment (WHO) - Document - Technical specifications of radiotherapy equipment for cancer treatment – WHO document

Design methods, procedures/protocols, worksheets for an acceptance testing

Design methods, procedures/protocols, worksheets for an acceptance testing (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Acceptance testing - AAPM summer school

I think most documentation touch a bit upon 4.3.C and 4.3D... for the syllabus, they should be grouped or separated in another way, e.g. by type of machine or treatment technique (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tests & measurement protocols and worksheets for delivery and simulators equipment

Tests & measurement protocols and worksheets for delivery and simulators equipment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - linac fundamentals of c-arm linac acceptance testing

nan (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - acceptance testing for CT

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - CT Scanner Acceptance testing document

Prepare and/or review acceptance test report and recommendations

Prepare and/or review acceptance test report and recommendations (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Commissioning Procedures for an Orthovoltage Unit

Commissioning Procedures for an Orthovoltage Unit (AAPM) - Video - Practical Aspects of Commissioning and Calibration of Clinical Orthovoltage Units

Commissioning Procedures for an Megavoltage Therapy Unit

Commissioning Procedures for an Megavoltage Therapy Unit (AAPM) - PDF - TG 106 - Accelerator beam data commissioning equipment and procedures: Report of the TG‐106 of the Therapy Physics Committee of the AAPM

Commissioning Procedures for an Megavoltage Therapy Unit (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA Commissioning of Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems: Testing for Typical External Beam Treatment Techniques

Commissioning Procedures for Simulator, Simulator-CT, and/or CT Scanner/CT-simulator

Commissioning for a CT Simulator (AAPM) - PDF - Commissioning and Use of Conventional CT

Quality and Legislative standards for Therapy and Simulation Units

Quality and Legislative standards for Therapy and Simulation Units (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Preparing Equipment for Clinical Application : Methods, Procedures, work program

Preparing Equipment for Clinical Application : Methods, Procedures, work program (AAPM) - PDF - TG 106 - Accelerator beam data commissioning equipment and procedures: Report of the TG‐106 of the Therapy Physics Committee of the AAPM

nan (SSRMP) - PDF - Quality control for Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (includes commissioning, acceptance and QC + clin. imple.)

nan (SSRMP) - PDF - Quality Control of Medical Electron Accelerators

Review Commissioning Reports and Documents. Analyze sources and magnitude of errors

Review Commissioning Reports and Documents. Analyze sources and magnitude of errors (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Prepare QC program including tests, specifications, and tolerances

Prepare QC program including tests, specifications, and tolerances (SSRMP) - PDF - swiss society's recommendation on Quality assurance of gantry-mounted image-guided radiotherapy systems

nan (AAPM) - Video - tolerance levels and methodologies for IMRT Verification QA

nan (nan) - PDF - Quality Management in Medical Physics: General Concepts

nan (nan) - PDF - Sections 12.3.1 and 12.3.2

nan (nan) - HTML - Prepare QC program including tests, specifications and tolerances

Development of Practical Experience with External Beam Equipment

??? Unsure. Most of this modules involve practical experience ??? (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Overview of Quality Assurance and Control (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Principles of QA

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Quality Assurance QA of linear accelerators

nan (ESTRO physics booklet) - PDF - Quality assurance in EBRT

Quality Assurance Guidleines for Radiation Treatment Programs (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

Quality Control of External Beam Equipment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Conventional radiotherapy simulators (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

CT Simulators (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

Kilovoltage radiotherapy machines (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

Linacs (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

CBCT (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

Major Dosimetry Equipment (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

Safety Systems (CPRQ) - PDF - Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy

Review of Manufacturer's operational manuals

Review of Manufacturer's operational manuals (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Review operational manuals of example clinics

Review operational manuals of example clinics (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Review technical and safety instructions

Review technical and safety instructions (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


SSD vs SAD (IAEA) - PDF - Chapter 7 of Podgorsak book

Beam weighting and Plan Normalization (same as 4.7A)

Understanding Multi-beam plans: Beam weighting and Plan Normalization (same as 4.7A) (IAEA) - PDF - Chapter 7 of Podgorsak book

Beam Modifiers (shaping devices, wedge filters, bolus, and compensators) (same as 4.7A)

Understanding Beam Modifiers including beam shaping devices, wedge filters, bolus, and compensators (same as 4.7A) (IAEA) - PDF - Chapter 7 of Podgorsak book

Field matching (see also 4.7A)

Techniques: Field matching (see also 4.7A) (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA lecture on special techniques

Rotational Therapy (same as 4.7A)

Techniques: Rotational (same as 4.7A) (IAEA) - PDF - Chapter 7 of Podgorsak book

3D conformal therapy

Techniques: 3D conformal therapy (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA lecture on 2D to 3D CRT

Non-coplanar beams (same as 4.7A)

Techniques: Non-coplanar beams (same as 4.7A) (IAEA) - PDF - Chapter 7 of Podgorsak book

Non-coplanar beams (same as 4.7A) (BJR Journal Article) - Document - review paper on non-coplanar radiotherapy developments

IMRT, VMAT methods including both static and dynamic approaches

Techniques: IMRT, VMAT methods including both static and dynamic approaches (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

IMRT, VMAT methods including both static and dynamic approaches (ESTRO physics booklet) - PDF - Verification of IMRT

IMRT, VMAT methods including both static and dynamic approaches (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - IMRT & VMAT IMRT & VMAT delivery

Total Body Irradiation (TBI)

Techniques: Total Body Irradiation (TBI) (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA lecture on special techniques

Total Body Irradiation (TBI) (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - TBI & TSET Total Body Irradiation (TBI)

Total Skin Electron Irradiation (TSEI)

Techniques: Total Skin Electron Irradiation (TSEI) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Total Skin Electron Irradiation (TSEI) (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - TBI & TSET Total Skin Electron Therapy (TSET)

Image-guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)

Techniques: Image-guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) (IAEA book) - PDF - IAEA Introduction of Image Guided Radiotherapy into Clinical Practice

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Image guidance and Motion Management Image-guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)


Techniques: Radiosurgery (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Stereotactic Treatments Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)

Stereotactic radiotherapy including Stereotactic Body (Ablative) Radiotherapy (SBRT or SABR)

Techniques: Stereotactic radiotherapy including Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - nan

Intraoperative radiotherapy

Techniques: Intraoperative radiotherapy (Website) - Video - Stereotactic Treatments Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)

Particle Beam Treatments

Techniques: Particle Beam Treatments (AAPM) - Video - Primer on Proton Therapy

commissioning of IMPT (AAPM) - Document - Clinical commissioning of intensity‐modulated proton therapy systems


Techniques: Tomotherapy (AAPM) - PDF - Tomotherapy

Retreatments: Field matching, using advanced techniques

Retreatments: Field matching, using advanced techniques (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Basic patient positioning and movement tracking systems

Understanding basic patient positioning and movement tracking systems (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Immobilization systems

Principles of immobilization (nan) - HTML - Seminar on immobilization equipment

Principles of immobilization (nan) - PDF - nan

Imaging systems for patient verification : simulation, portal imaging, on-board CT

Imaging systems for patient verification : simulation, portal imaging, on-board CT (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Portal film/EPID accuracy and precision: e.g., on-line vs off-line

Analysis of portal film/EPID images to determine positioning accuracy and precision: e.g., on-line vs off-line (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Verification of IMRT/VMAT techniques

Verification of IMRT/VMAT techniques (ESTRO physics booklet) - PDF - Verification of IMRT

Verification of non-coplanar treatments

Verification of patient position for non-coplanar: e.g., isocentre verification, orthoganal images (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Image Guided RT Overview (Internal source) - PDF - Image Guided Radiotherapy Overview

Verification of stereotactic radiosurgery

Verification of stereotactic radiosurgery (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Stereotactic and advanced immobilization systems

Stereotactic and advanced immobilization systems (AAPM) - PDF - Positioning Features in Current Immobilization Systems

Advanced patient set-up and motion tracking (e.g., IGRT, respiratory gating)

Advanced patient set-up and motion tracking (e.g., IGRT, respiratory gating) (External link (open source paper)) - PDF - Topical review on real-time intrafraction motion monitoring

Motion Management (Internal Source) - PDF - Overview of Motion Management

Image Guidance and Motion Management (Website) - Video - Image guidance and Motion Management Motion management

Uncertainties, tolerances, and action levels in patient position verification

Uncertainties, tolerances, and action levels in patient position verification (IAEA book) - PDF - IAEA Introduction of Image Guided Radiotherapy into Clinical Practice esp. chapter 4.

Discrepancies between portal images, simulation verification, and DRRs

Discrepancies between portal images, simulation verification, and DRRs (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA lecture on treatment verificationI

Dose delivery verification of a patient's treatment plan with phantom and dosimeter

Dose delivery verification of a patient's treatment plan with phantom and dosimeter (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (ESTRO physics booklet) - PDF - independant dose calculation


Overview of processes involved in equipment requisition and acquisition

Overview of design and procurement process (IPEM Report 75 2nd edition) - Other - Design and Procurement Process

Example Timeline of Selection Process (KMah) - Document - Example Timeline for Major Steps

Determining departmental and mutli-disciplinary needs to operate a treatment planning system (TPS)

Overview (Equipment, Staffing, Workflow) (nan) - PDF - Proposed Radiation Oncology Process and Requirements: New Centre Example

Market research, technology assessment and procurement process

Procurement Process: Example Government guidelines (Ontario government website) - PDF - Procurement Guidelines for Publicly Funded Organizations in Ontario: Example

Project proposals and budget proposals

Project proposals and budget proposals (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tender specifications, evaluations, and recommendations

Tender specifications (KMah) - Other - Example of a Request for Technical Information

Evaluations (KMah) - PDF - Evaluation of RTP Systems: Example

Recommendations: Technical Summary (KMah) - PDF - Technical Summary of RTP: Example

Recommendations: Executive Summary (KMah) - PDF - Executive Summary: Example

Understanding the Treatment Planning Process

IAEA Radiotherapy Training Lectures: General (nan) - HTML - Overview of TP process

Overview of Radiation Therapy, QA, and Safety (ASTRO org) - PDF - Safety is No Accident: Framework for Quality Radiation Oncology Care

Overview of Computerized Treatment Planning (IAEA org) - PDF - IAEA: Ch 11 Computerized Treatment Planning Systems, hardware and software

Understanding Uncertainties associated with patient data, beam data, manual and computer dosimetry calculations, Equipment

Uncertainties in Beam Data ( sample) - PDF - Uncertainties in Beam Data: Measurement & Analysis

Uncertainties in Dose Computation (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Uncertainties in TP dose computation: Siebers

Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainties (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainty: VanDyk

Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainties (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA Human Health Series 31: Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainties in Radiotherapy

Uncertainties in treatment delivery ( sample) - PDF - Limits of Precision & Accuracy of Radiation Delivery Systems Moran & Ritter

RTPS systems: operations, functionality, specifications, etc

Overview RTPS systems ( sample) - PDF - Computerized Radiation Treatment Planning Systems Overview: VanDyk et al

Basic Intro to TP Systems, Implementation and QA (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - TP Systems: Description, QA, and Clinical Implementation - Shah

Dose Calculation Algorithms - overview (nan) - PDF - Dose Calculation Algorithms - overview

Philips Pinnacle Reference Guide (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Reference Guide

Philips Pinnacle Physics (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Physics

Philips Pinnacle Physics Reference Guide (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Physics Reference Guide

Philips Pinnacle Launch pad - Instructions for Use (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Launch pad - Instructions for Use

Philips Pinnacle Planning - Instructions for Use (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Planning - Instructions for Use

Philips Pinnacle AcQSim - Instructions for Use (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle AcQSim - Instructions for Use

Philips Pinnacle Classic Planning - Instructions for Use (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Classic Planning - Instructions for Use

Philips Pinnacle Tumor LOC - Instructions for Use (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle Tumor LOC - Instructions for Use

Philips Pinnacle P3IMRT - Instructions for Use (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle P3IMRT - Instructions for Use

Varian Eclipse:Features (Varian Medical) - PDF - Varian Eclipse:Features

Varian Eclipse: Supported Hardware Reference Guide (Varian Medical) - PDF - Varian Eclipse: Supported Hardware Reference Guide

Varian ARIA and Eclipse: Technical Specifications Guide (Varian Medical) - PDF - Varian ARIA and Eclipse: Technical Specifications Guide

Varian Eclipse: Photon Source Model (Varian Medical) - PDF - Varian Eclipse: Photon Source Model

Varian Eclipse: Photon Dose Calculation (Varian Medical) - PDF - Varian Eclipse: Photon Dose Calculation

Varian Eclipse: Smart Segmentation (Varian Medical) - PDF - Varian Eclipse: Smart Segmentation

Elekta Monaco Treatment Planning System (Elekta) - HTML - Elekta Monaco Treatment Planning System

RaySearch RayStation Treatment Planning System (RaySearch Laboratories) - HTML - RaySearch RayStation Treatment Planning System

Merits and limitations of dose calculation algorithms

Merits and limitations of dose calculation algorithms (PMB) - PDF - Topical review:Calculation of absorbed dose in radiotherapy by solution of the linear Boltzmann transport equations (open access)

Principles and Design of RTPS QA programs

Principles and Design of RTPS QA programs (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM Task Group 53 Quality Assurance for Clinical Radiotherapy Treatment Planning

QA for TPS, non-IMRT (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - ESTRO booklet 7: QA for TPS, non IMRT

IAEA Technical Report 430: Commissioning and QA of TPS (nan) - PDF - nan

Acceptance testing against equipment specification

Acceptance testing (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA-TECDOC-1540 Specification and Acceptance Testing of Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems

Example Vendor DICOM acceptance Tests (Philips Medical) - PDF - Philips Pinnacle 3: DICOM Acceptance Tests

Commissioning for photon and electron beam planning

Monte Carlo Commissioning (AAPM Free Access) - HTML - AAPM Scientific Report: Beam modeling and beam model commissioning for Monte Carlo dose calculation-based radiation treatment planning Report of Task Group 157

Photons and Electrons (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM Practice Guidlines 5a: Commissioning and QA of Treatment Planning Dose Calculations - Megavoltage Photon and Electron Beams

Commissioning and Quality Assurance of Computerized Planning Systems (nan) - PDF - IAEA TRS 430 - Commissioning and Quality Assurance of Computerized Planning Systems for Radiation Treatment of Cancer

Photon Test Cases (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA-TECDOC-1583 Commissioning of Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems: Testing for Typical External Beam Treatment Techniques

Verification against measurements and/or independent methods

Verification methods (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG120 Dosimetry tools and techniques for IMRT

Monitor unit calculation (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - Monitor unit calculation

Monitor unit calculation, practical examples (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - Monitor unit calculation, practical examples

Independent dose calculation (ESTRO physics booklet) - Missing Resource - Independent dose calculation

Quality control of Treatment Planning Equipment and process

RTPS QC (CPQR) - PDF - CPQR Technical Quality Control Guidelines for Treatment Planning Systems

RTPS QA (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA TRS 430 - Commissioning and Quality Assurance of Computerized Planning Systems for Radiation Treatment of Cancer

Radiation Oncology Data Management Systems (CPQR) - PDF - CPQR Technical Quality Control Guidelines for Data Management Systems

Conventional Simulators (CPQR) - PDF - CPQR Technical Quality Control Guidelines for Conventional Radiotherapy Simulators

CT Simulation QA (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG66 Quality assurance for CT simulators and CT Sim process

CT Simulation QA (CPQR) - PDF - CPQR Technical Quality Control Guidelines for Computed Tomography Simulators

QA Programme for CT (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA Human Health: QA Programme for Computed Tomography: Diagnostic and Therapy

Example of Daily CT Simulation QA tests (nan) - PDF - Example Daily CT Simulattor QA Procedues

Example of SemiAnnual CT Simulation QA tests (K Mah, MSc) - PDF - Example of SemiAnnual CT Simulation QA test procedures

End-to-end Testing (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Introduction to End-to-End QA

Understand the administrative requirements of a TPS including the development of guidelines, policies and administrative measures

Understand the administrative requirements of a TPS including the development of guidelines, policies and administrative measures (IAEA) - PDF - Setting Up a Radiotherapy Program

System and data backups, upgrades, and updates

System and data backups, upgrades, and updates (JACMP /CPQR) - PDF - Quality Control Guidelines for Data Management Systems

Record & Verify/ Radiation Oncology Information Systems (ROIS)

RV/ROIS Overview (IAEA Report) - PDF - IAEA: R&V Systems: Acceptance Testing, Commissioning and Quality Control

Understand all aspects of patient positioning, treatment set-up and immobilization devices

Patient Setup and Positioning Procedures (IAEA) - HTML - Patient Setup and Positioning

Positioning for Specific Techniques (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Examples of Lung, Breast, Spine, Stereo, Abdomen, Prostate

H&N Positioning (ESTRO AR/KM) - PDF - Example HN: ESTRO Guidelines

Patient Immobilization & Image Guidance ( sample: AR/KM) - PDF - Patient Immobilization & Image Guidance - Full Chapter

Immobilization Techniques (IAEA) - HTML - Basics of Immobilization and Positioning

Immobilization Techniques: H&N (youtube) - Video - Making a H&N Mask

Geometric uncertainties (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Geometric Uncertainties & Individualized Patient: Balter et al

Setup Uncertainties (Inter-fraction) (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Patient Setup Uncertainties - Soisson

Methods for acquiring patient data and associated uncertainties (e.g., manual methods, Simulator, CT/CT Simulator, MRI, PET/PET-CT)

Conventional Simulators (Radiation Oncology Physics textbook online) - PDF - 5.9.1. Radiotherapy simulator (section of Radiation Oncology Physics)

CT Simulation (KM) - PDF - Lecture 10 Introduction to CT Simulation

CT Simulation Practical Aspects (KM) - PDF - CT Simulation Practical Aspects

Localization and Virtual Simulation (KM) - PDF - Lecture 11 Localization and Virtual Simulation

Basics of Computed Tomography (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Computer Tomography by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Basics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Ultrasound (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Ultrasound by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Basics of Nuclear Medicine & PET (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Nuclear Medicine & PET by Eric Ford/CRC Press

PET in Radiation Therapy Planning (KM) - PDF - ASTRO course PET in Radiation Therapy Planning

MR Simulation (PMB) - PDF - Topical review: Nuts and bolts of 4D-MRI for radiotherapy (open access)

Radiotherapy using MRI (PMB) - HTML - Topical review: Radiotherapy using MRI

MR + CT Simulation (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - MR + CT Simulation AAPM Summer School

MR Commissioning and Simulation (Phillips) - PDF - MR Commissioning and Simulation

Understanding Treatment margins and ICRU volumes (This is also in Planning submodule - where should we put it?)

Understanding Treatment Margins and ICRU Volumes (vanHerk/JB) - PDF - ICRU volumes and uncertainties

Determining Appropriate Margins (vanHerk/JB) - Video - Margins and margin receipe

Image Contouring

RTOG Contouring Atlases (RTOG) - Missing Resource - RTOG Contouring Atlases for all sites

Generation and Interpretation of DRRs (Radiation Oncology Physics textbook online) - PDF - Digitally reconstructed radiographs (section of Radiation Oncology Physics)

Image Co-registration: Rigid vs Deformable and associated uncertainties

Image Co-registration: Rigid vs Deformable and associated uncertainties (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG132: Use of image registration & fusion algorithms and techniques in radiotherapy

Dose and dose fractionation schemes of a variety of treatments and cancer sites

Guidelines for Dose fractionation (ASTRO) - HTML - ASTRO Clinical Practice Guidelines for all sites

Principles of Treatment Planning: Simulation, dose calculation, optimization, and evaluation

Introduction to Treatment Planning (KM) - PDF - Lecture 1 Introduction to Treatment Planning

Overview of Treatment Planning (IAEA) - PDF - Slides with overview of treatment planning process

3DCRT and ICRU volumes (KM) - PDF - Lecture 9 3DCRT and ICRU Targets

Planning Organs at Risk Volumes (AAPM) - PDF - ICRU Recommendations - Including PRVs

Basic planning with MV photon beams (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Planning with MV Photon Beams by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Dose Calculation Algorithms (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Dose Calculation Algorithms by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Documentation: Local requirements, ICRU reporting guidelines and recommendations

Guidelines for Documentation: ASTRO (nan) - PDF - Safety is no Accident - ASTRO frame for quality

Normal Tissues : tolerances, biological effective doses for fractionations, BED, alpha/beta

Normal tissue tolerances - Overview (AAPM) - PDF - Dosimetric Uncertainties and Normal Tissue Tolerance

EUDs in Commercial TPS (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG166 The use and QA of biologically related models for treatment planning

QUANTEC (nan) - HTML - nan

alpha/beta Values (AAPM) - PDF - Biological Indices - Example alpha beta values

Calculating BEDs (Created by J Fowler) - HTML - BED Calculator

Designing Radiation Beam Arrangements including beam weighting, plan normalization, field shaping, 3DCRT, IMRT, and VMAT, IGRT

Beam weighting, plan normalization in computer treatment planning (KM) - PDF - Lecture 2 Computerized Treatment Planning

Irregularly-shaped Fields (nan) - PDF - Lecture 8 Irregularaly shaped Fields

Field Shaping with MLCs (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG50 Basic Applications of Multileaf Collimators

2,3, and 4 field techniques (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA Treatment Planning, 7.5.7 Beam combinations and clinical application: AP/PA, 3 field, 4 field box

2D vs 3D planning (IAEA) - PDF - Treatment Planning for 2D vs 3D

Forward Planning: IMRT (IAEA) - PDF - Forward Planning: IMRT

Forward Planning: 3D (MGH) - PDF - Forward Planning: 3D

Inverse Planning (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Inverse Planning by Eric Ford/CRC Press

IMRT & VMAT Delivery (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - IMRT & VMAT Delivery by Eric Ford/CRC Press

IMRT Planning (MSK) - PDF - Treatment Planning Considerations using IMRT

VMAT Planning (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - VMAT Treatment Planning

Optimization of VMAT (PMB Journal Article) - HTML - Topical review on optimization for VMAT

Halcyon Optimization (vimeo) - Video - Treatment plan optimization for Halcyon

Treatment plan final optimization for Halcyon (vimeo) - Video - Treatment plan final optimization for Halcyon

IGRT (Accelerated Education Program, David Jaffray) - Video - IGRT Technology: How Did We Get Here?

IGRT (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - IGRT by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Total Body Photon Irradiation (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM Report17 The Physical aspects of total and half body photon irradiation

TBI (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Total Body Irradation by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Total Skin Irradiation (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM Report23 Total Skin Electron Therapy: Technique and Dosimetry

Total Skin Electron Irradiation (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Total Skin Electron Irradation by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Selection of Treatment modality, energy, beam modifiers. Impact of varying dose grids.

Properties of Electron Treatment Beams (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Properties of Electron Treatment Beams by Eric Ford/CRC press

Electron Treatment Planning (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Electron Planning Training Part 2 Clinical Markup

Kilovoltage and Orthovoltage Treatment (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Lecture 4 Kilovoltage and Orthovoltage Treatments

Parameters affecting Dose distributions: Contours, Off axis, field size, wedges, compensators, attenuators, inhomogeneities; bolus

Missing Tissue; compensators and attenuators (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Lecture 3 Impact of Missing Tissue on Dose Distributions

Wedging (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Lecture 6 Wedges

Tissue inhomogeneities (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Lecture 5 Effects of Inhomogeneities and Noninfinite Tissues

Tissue inhomogeneities (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG65 Tissue Inhomogeity Corrections for MV Photon Beams

Combined Effects (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Lecture 7 Combined Effects on Dose Distribution

Use of bolus and bolus materials: electrons (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Bolus use for electron treatments

Use of bolus and bolus materials: photons (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA Treatment Planning, Section 7.5.3 Bolus

Organ and patient motions: magnitude and corrections

Motion management (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG76 The management of respiratory motion

Motion management (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Motion Management

Motion management (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Motion Management by Eric Hall/CRC Press

Margins (vanHerk/JB) - Video - "vanHerk" margin receipe lecture

Uncertainties in manual and computerized planning

Uncertainties in manual and computerized planning ( sample AR/KM) - PDF - Accuracy & Uncertainty Considerations in Radiation Oncology VanDyk et al

Tools for Plan Evaluations: BEV/DRRs, DVH, Conformality indices, clinically significant maximums, etc

DVH and volume definitions (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - DVH and Volume Definitions by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Plan Quality, TCP, and NTCP (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Plan Quality, TCP, and NTCP by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Plan Evaluation and physics acceptance of plans

Reviewing plans (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - nan

Errors and Incident Learning (ASTRO) - HTML - RO-ILS Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System

Manual monitor unit calculations (K. Mah, MSc) - PDF - Monitor Unit Calculations

MU Calculations (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - MU Calculations by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Independent MU verification for IMRT (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Independent MU verification for IMRT

QA/Chart Checking of Plans including patient-specific IMRT/VMAT QA

Overall Chart Checking (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG275 Strategies for effective physics plan and chart review in radiaiaton therapy

Monitor Unit Checks (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG71 Monitor unit calculations for external photon and electrons beams

Patient specific IMRT/VMAT measurement QA/Commissioning (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG218 Tolerance limits & methodologies for IMRT measurement-based verification

Quality Control Guidelines for Patient-Specific QA (CPQR) - PDF - CPQR Technical Quality Control Guidelines for Patient-Specific Dosimetric Measurements for IMRT

Patient specific QA (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Patient-Specific QA by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Development, commissioning, training, and QC of new treatment techniques/devices

IMRT Commissioning (AAPM Virtual Library) - HTML - AAPM TG119 IMRT Commissioning

Development, commissioning, training, and QC of SBRT (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG101 Stereotactic body radiation therapy

Expanding use of SBRT (Accelerated Education Program, PMH) - Video - Expanding Use of SBRT to Less Established Anatomic Sites

SBRT (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy by Eric Ford/CRC Press

Support of Treatment Planning Equipment and Processes

The impact of metallic prosthese on treatment planning (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG63 Dosimetric considerations for patient with HIP prostheses undergoing pelvic irradiation

Management of Radiotherapy Patients with implanted cardia pacemakers and Defibillators (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG203 Management of radiotherapy patients with implanted caridac pacemakers and defibrillators

Measurement and Calculation of Doses Outside the Treatment Volume (AAPM Virtual Library) - HTML - AAPM TG 158: Measurement and calculation of doses outside the treated volume from external‐beam radiation therapy

Dosimetry effects caused by couch tops & immobilization devices (AAPM Virtual Library) - HTML - AAPM TG 176: Dosimetric effects caused by couch tops and immobilizations devices

Consideration for Imaging Doses during IGRT (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG75 Management of imaging dose during IGRT

Consideration for Imaging Doses during IGRT (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM TG180 Image guidance doses delivered during radiotherapy: Quantification, management & reduction


Concepts and principles of a brachytherapy QA program

Concepts and principles of a brachytherapy QA program (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - HDR QA

QC in brachytherapy: equipment, tolerances and action levels

Understand methods and procedures for QC in brachytherapy; Equipment required for QC; Tolerance limits and action levels (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Overview of Brachy Equipment (ESTRO) - PDF - ESTRO booklet 8: QC for brachy equipment

Local legistlative requirements and international recommendations on safety

Legislative requirements (ASTRO) - Document - Astro White Paper on HDR (PDF version)

Legislative requirements (ASTRO) - Document - Astro White Paper on HDR (HTML version)

Legislative requirements (ASTRO) - Document - Astro White Paper on HDR (Backup PDF version)

Descreption of and International Safety for Brachytherapy (IAEA) - HTML - IAEA Brahytherapy Webpage and Document Links

Properties and characteristics of brachytherapy sources

Properties and characteristics of brachytherapy sources (IAEA) - PDF - Radiation Oncology Physics Handbook: Section 13.2 Brachytherapy Source Characteristics

Basics of HDR Physics (Website) - Video - HDR Physics

Specifications, quality standards, and operational characteristics of brachytherapy sources and equipment

Specifications, quality standards, and operational characteristics of brachytherapy sources and equipment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Specification, functionality, and dosimetry algorithms of brachytherapy TPS

Specification, functionality, and dosimetry algorithms of brachytherapy treatment planning computer systems (AAPM) - PDF - MODEL-BASED DOSE CALCULATION ALGORITHMS IN BRACHYTHERAPY

Sources and magnitude of errors in bracytherapy process

Sources and magnitude of errors in bracytherapy process (NCBI/NIH) - Document - Review of clinical brachytherapy uncertainties: Analysis guidelines of GEC-ESTRO and the AAPM

Test procedures and tolerances for brachytherapy sources, equipment, TPS, & imaging

Test procedures and tolerances for brachytherapy sources, equipment, and planning computer systems (including imaging) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Brachytherapy Acceptance Testing program

Brachytherapy Acceptance Testing program (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - HDR UNIT ACCEPTANCE, COMMISSIONING & QA

Commissioning Plan: Testing, measurement equipment, etc

Commissioning Plan: Testing, measurement equipment, etc (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Machine Commissioning (Website) - Video - Machine Commissioning

Applicator Commissioning (Website) - Video - Applicator Commissioning

Ring Applicators (Website) - Video - Ring Applicators

Commissioning of the Brachytherapy Treatment Planning System

Commissioning of the Brachytherapy Treatment Planning System (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

TPS Commissioning (nan) - Video - TPS Commissioning

TPS Commissioning Pt. 2 (nan) - Video - TPS Commissioning Pt. 2

Commissioning of remote after loading treatment units

Commissioning of remote after loading treatment units (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Installation and Commissionoing of High Dose Rate Units

Safe handling and preparation of brachytherapy sources

Procedures for safe handling and preparation of brachytherapy sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Shipping & Accepting a New Source (nan) - Video - Shipping & Accepting a New Source

Source changes for HDR & PDR units

Source changes for HDR & PDR units (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Accepting a New Source (nan) - Video - Accepting a New Source

Dosimetry properties of brachytherapy sources

Dosimetry properties of brachytherapy sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

HDR Brachytherpy Dosimetry (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - HDR Brachytherapy Dosimetry at NP

HDR Brachytherpy Dosimetry in the Clinic (Website) - Missing Resource - NPL Course - Brachytherapy-Dosimetry-in-the-Clinic

Brachytherapy isotopes and sources (Website) - Video - Brachytherapy I Brachytherapy isotopes and sources

Brachytherapy Expsoure and Dose (Website) - Video - Brachytherapy I Brachytherapy exposure and dose

Dosimetry protocols for calibration of brachytherapy sources (IAEA TECDOC 1274, AAPM TG reports)

Dosimetry protocols for calibration of brachytherapy sources, including the procedures and recommendations as given in IAEA TECDOC 1274 (IAEA) - Document - IAEA Tec DOC 1274

Dosimetry protocols for calibration of brachytherapy sources, including the procedures and recommendations as given in IAEA TECDOC 1274 (IAEA) - Document - IAEA Tec DOC 1274 (Backup)

AAPM TG-43 Report 51, Nath et al., Dosimetry of interstitial brachy sources (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Older yet still widely used formalism for the dosimetry of brachtherapy sources

Update of AAPM Task Group No. 43 Report: A revised AAPM protocol for brachytherapy dose calculations. Rivard et al. (2004) (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Update to TG 43

Report of the Task Group 186 on model-based dose calculation methods in brachytherapy beyond the TG-43 formalism: current status and recommendations for clinical implementation. Beaulieu et al (2012). (AAPM Virtual Library) - Document - newer formalism fro brachytherapy

nan (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - explains the evolution from TG43 to TG186

Physics of brachy and dosimetry protocols (Internal link) - PDF - Presentation on Brachytherapy Dosimetry

nan (Website) - Video - Source Strength Measurements

Uncertainties in source strength by measurement and calculation methods

Uncertainties involved in determination of source strength by measurement and calculation methods (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Calibrating sources using well-type ionization chamber and thimble ionization chamber

How to calibrate sources using well-type ionization chamber and thimble ionization chamber (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Calibration for Brachytherapy Sources

Validating vendor provided source strength

Validating vendor provided source strength (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Principles of manual, remote afterloading (LDR vs HDR vs PDR)

Principles, advantages, disadvantages of methods of brachytherapy including manual, remote afterloading (LDR vs HDR vs PDR) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiobiological principles of brachytherapy including radiobiological equivalence of treatment schemes

Radiobiological principles of brachytherapy including radiobiological equivalence of treatment schemes (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Radiobiology and EQD2 (Website) - Video - Radiobiology and EQD2

Impact on dose of source configurations, encapsulation, applicators, inter-source heterogeneity, etc

Impact on dose of source configurations, encapsulation, applicators, inter-source heterogeneity, etc (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Principles and properties of a variety of source configuration and dosimetry systems for implant and intracavitary brachytherapy

Principles and properties of a variety of source configuration and dosimetry systems for implant and intracavitary brachytherapy (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Patient and source data required for treatment planning

Patient and source data required for treatment planning (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Limitations and uncertainties associated with manual and computer planning

Limitations and uncertainties associated with manual and computer planning (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

ICRU dose specifications

ICRU dose specifications (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - ICRU Intracavitary Dose Reporting

Overview of treatment techniques for Prostate, Breast, Oral, Lung cancers

Overview of treatment techniques for Prostate, Breast, Oral, Lung cancers (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (Website) - Video - Applicators and Uses

nan (Website) - Video - Cylinders

nan (Website) - Video - Tandem and Ovoid

nan (Website) - Video - Tandem and Ring

nan (Website) - Video - Clinical Overview

nan (Website) - Video - T&O, Cylinder planned example

nan (Website) - Video - T&R Planned example

Dose fractionation and Tolerance doses for Organs at Risk

ABS consensus guidelines HDR cervix (ABS) - PDF - ABS consensus guidelines HDR cervix

ABS consensus guidelines APBI (ABS) - PDF - ABS consensus guidelines APBI

ABS consensus guidelines permanent prostate (ABS) - PDF - ABS consensus guidelines permanent prostate

ABS consensus guidelines HDR prostate (ABS) - PDF - ABS consensus guidelines HDR prostate

ABS consensus guidelines interstitial vaginal cancer (ABS) - PDF - ABS consensus guidelines interstitial vaginal cancer

Source reconstruction with various imaging modalities

Source reconstruction with various imaging modalities (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Intra-cavitary implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites

Intra-cavitary implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Intra-cavitary implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites (Website) - Video - Brachytherapy Applications & Radionuclides Planar implants

Intra-cavitary implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites (Website) - Video - Brachytherapy Applications & Radionuclides High-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy

Interstitial implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites

Interstitial implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Interstitial implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites (Website) - Video - Brachytherapy Applications & Radionuclides Planar implants

Interstitial implants : Sources, dosimetry systems (Manchester, Paris), and applicable sites (Website) - Video - Brachytherapy Applications & Radionuclides Prostate brachytherapy

Intra-luminal technique : Sources, dosimetry systems, and applicable sites

Intra-luminal technique : Sources, dosimetry systems, and applicable sites (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Intra-vascular technique : Sources, dosimetry systems, and applicable sites

Intravascular Brachytherapy (AAPM) - PDF - Intravascular Brachytherapy

Surface moulds/plaques : Sources, dosimetry systems, and applicable sites

Surface moulds (nan) - Document - Surface brachytherapy: Joint report of the AAPM and the GEC-ESTRO Task Group No. 253

Surface moulds (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - nan

Plan optimization based on combining dose prescription/specification, source configurations, and dwell times

Plan optimization based on combining dose prescription/specification, source configurations, and dwell times (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Quality control of patient treatment plans and transfer of data from treatment planning system to afterloading unit

Quality control of patient treatment plans and transfer of data from treatment planning system to afterloading unit (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Contouring of treatment volumes and normal structures

Contouring of treatment volumes and normal structures (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Cervical Cancer Contouring (Website) - Video - Cervical Cancer Contouring

Operation of a radiation source inventory and custody system

Operation of a radiation source inventory and custody system (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Operating procedures in a sealed source preparation room

Operating procedures in a sealed source preparation room (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Principles and design of treatment applicators

Principles and design of treatment applicators (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Procedures for safe handling and preparation of brachytherapy sources

Procedures for safe handling and preparation of brachytherapy sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Shipping & Accepting a New Source (nan) - Video - Shipping & Accepting a New Source

Source loading configurations for a variety of treatment protocols

Source loading configurations for a variety of treatment protocols (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Treatment applicators and/or catheters

Treatment applicators and/or catheters (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Implantation tools, such as treatment templates

Implantation tools, such as treatment templates (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Advantages and disadvantages of various Brachytherapy sources for a variety of treatments,

Advantages and disadvantages of various Brachytherapy sources for a variety of treatments, (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Procedures for cleaning and sterilization of sources and applicators

Procedures for cleaning and sterilization of sources and applicators (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Loading of the brachytherapy sources into treatment applicators according to treatment plans/protocols

Loading of the brachytherapy sources into treatment applicators according to treatment plans/protocols (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Acquisition, receipt,recording, custody, and disposal of brachytherapy sources

Acquisition, receipt,recording, custody, and disposal of brachytherapy sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Source changes for HDR & PDR units

Source changes for HDR & PDR units (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Accepting a New Source (Rayos Video Collection) - Video - Accepting a New Source

QC or individual source loading

QC or individual source loading (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understand methods and procedures for QC in brachytherapy; Equipment required for QC; Tolerance limits and action levels

Understand methods and procedures for QC in brachytherapy; Equipment required for QC; Tolerance limits and action levels (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

QC for brachy equipment (ESTRO) - Document - ESTRO booklet 8: QC for brachy equipment

QC program for brachytherapy treatment planning system

QC program for brachytherapy treatment planning system (Rayos Video Collection) - Video - nan

QC program for integrity of radiation sources, applicators, dose monitoring system, data transfer, etc

QC program for integrity of radiation sources, applicators, dose monitoring system, data transfer, etc (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

QC program for remote after loading systems including emergency procedures

QC program for remote after loading systems including emergency procedures (Rayos Video Collection) - Video - nan

QC program for measurement protocols and procedures

QC program for measurement protocols and procedures (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Localization and reconstruction of brachytherapy sources

Localization and reconstruction of brachytherapy sources (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Acquisition of the relevant patient anatomical information and source (using dummy sources) geometry for treatment planning including simulator, C-arm xray, CT scanner, MRI, and ultrasound

Acquisition of the relevant patient anatomical information and source (using dummy sources) geometry for treatment planning including simulator, C-arm xray, CT scanner, MRI, and ultrasound (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Understanding patient image/data requirements for permanent interstitial; intraluminal, and intracavitary treatments.

Understanding patient image/data requirements for permanent interstitial; intraluminal, and intracavitary treatments. (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

nan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Transfer of image data to the treatment planning system

Transfer of image data to the treatment planning system (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Reconstruction of source geometry at the treatment planning computer from films (orthogonal and Stereo), 2D images, and 3D images

Reconstruction of source geometry at the treatment planning computer from films (orthogonal and Stereo), 2D images, and 3D images (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Image co-registration in brachytherapy treatment planning systems

Image co-registration in brachytherapy treatment planning systems (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Contouring of treatment volumes and normal structures

Contouring of treatment volumes and normal structures (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Cervical Cancer Contouring (Website) - Video - Cervical Cancer Contouring

Processes in brachytherapy equipment requisition and acquisition

Processes in brachytherapy equipment requisition and acquisition (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Departmental Needs through interdisciplinary team

Departmental Needs through interdisciplinary team (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Market research on brachtherapy equipment technology

Market research on brachtherapy equipment technology (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Development and review of procurement documentation

Development and review of procurement documentation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Tender specification, evaluation, and recommendations

Tender specification, evaluation, and recommendations (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Operations, characteristics and commissioning of brachytherapy equipment and accessories

Operations, characteristics and commissioning of brachytherapy equipment and accessories (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Commissioning Plan: Testing, measurement equipment, etc

Machine Commissioning (Rayos Contra Cancer Centre) - Video - Machine Commissioning

Applicator Commissioning (Rayos Contra Cancer Centre) - Video - Applicator Commissioning

Ring Applicators (Rayos Contra Cancer Centre) - Video - Ring Applicators

Commissioning of the Brachytherapy Treatment Planning System

Brachy TPS Commissioning 1 (Rayos Contra Cancer Centre) - Video - TPS Commissioning

Brachy TPS Commissioning 2 (Rayos Contra Cancer Centre) - Video - TPS Commissioning Pt. 2

Commissioning of remote after loading treatment units

Commissioning of remote after loading treatment units (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Installation and Commissionoing of High Dose Rate Units

Verification of outputs and processes. (e.g., end to end testing)

Verification of outputs and processes. (e.g., end to end testing) (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Commissioning reports and documentation

Commissioning reports and documentation (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Preparing Operation Procedures for bracytherapy planning and delivery

Preparing Operation Procedures for bracytherapy planning and delivery (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


Career Planning

Career Planning (J. Battista, PhD) - HTML - Is Medical Physics a Career for You? Dr J Battista (COMP)

Medphys 3.0 AAPM Career Planning (AAPM Virtual Library) - HTML - Medphys 3.0 (AAPM) video

Professional Organization Activities

Professional Organization Activities (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


Ethics (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Ethics and professionalism AAPM Report

Helskini Declaration (nan) - HTML - Helsinki Declaration

Legal Issues (nan) - HTML - Legal and ethical issues in Medical Physics

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (nan) - HTML - IOP article on Intellectual Property

Continual Professional Development

Continual Professional Development (nan) - Video - IOMP video on the importance of certfication and accrediation

Outreach (nan) - HTML - IOP arcticle on education and outreach

Oral Skills: Oral presentations, mentoring, and how to conduct a meeting

Oral Skills: Oral presentations, mentoring, and how to conduct a meeting (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Effective communication (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Presentation Given by Jannette Collins, MD about how to be an effective speaker and communicator at the 2012 AAPM Annual Meeting

Oral Skills: Communication with patients

Oral Skills: Communication with patients (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - 2019 AAPM Annual Meeting - Session: AAPM Medical Physics Student Meeting: Patient Communication - A Future Role for Clinical Physicists?

Written Skills: Technical Report, progress report, business case, etc

Written Skills: Technical Report, progress report, business case, etc (nan) - Video - Writing and reviewing papers

Scientific Writing (ASLO journal article) - Document - scientific letter on writing

Responding to Reviewers for Publications (PLoS journal article) - HTML - PLoS Computational Biology article

Comprehension Skills

Comprehension Skills (nan) - Missing Resource - nan


Budgeting / Financial Managment (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - AAPM Leadership Course - Financial Accounting

Management of Equipment

Management of Equipment (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Time Management

Time Management (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Time Management - The Three P’s

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution (nan) - Video - Basics of conflict resolution

Performance Management

Performance Management (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - session on risk of burnout and wellbeing at AAPM

AAPM Leadership : Service Operations Management/Business (2)

Service Operations Management/Business (2) (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - AAPM Leadership : Service Operations Management/Business (2)

Emotional Intelligence (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - AAPM Leadership: Emotional Intelligence

Service Operations Management & Statistical Methods for Business Decisions/Exercise (nan) - Video - External Hyperlink

Leadership in medical physics (IOP) - PDF - Leadership in MP

Electronic Communications Standards (eg., Ethernet, FTP, DICOM, DICOM-RT, HL7, etc) in Radiation Oncology, Record and verify and other critical systems (nan) - Presentation-PPT - nan

Understand Databases in Radiation Oncology Systems

Understand Databases in Radiation Oncology Systems (AAPM Virtual Library) - Document - AAPM Working Group Report

Professional IT issues such as privacy, confidentiality, sensitivity and permission to use data.

Professional IT issues such as privacy, confidentiality, sensitivity and permission to use data. (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - AAPM presentation on cybersecurity: what can the clinical physicist do?

Learning about quality, quality process, quality assurance, quality control or quality audit, QM in RT, Policy and Procedures

Learning about quality, quality process, quality assurance, quality control or quality audit, QM in RT, Policy and Procedures (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - General overview of quality in radiotherapy

Root Cause Analysis (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Incident learning and Root-cause analysis

Clinical, National, International Quality Improvement (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Incident learning:clinical, national and international

FMEA (Eric Ford, PhD Textbook) - Video - Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)

Quality Policy and Procedures

Quality Policy and Procedures (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Patient Safety and Treatment Quality Improvement

Designing a Quality Manual

Designing a Quality Manual (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Quality Management Systems in Radiotherapy

Major steps in clinical implementation of large equipment or process

Major steps in clinical implementation of large equipment or process (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - Overview of installing major equipment

Major steps in designing and implementing a new radiation facility

Major steps in designing and implementing a new radiation facility (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - nan

Design the steps in clinical implementation of a CT Simulator

Design the steps in clinical implementation of a CT Simulator (nan) - nan - (see sections 4.2)

Commissioning for a CT Simulator (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - Commissioning and Use of Conventional CT

Design the steps in clinical implementation of a computerized treatment planning system

Design the steps in clinical implementation of a computerized treatment planning system (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Defining an area of research

define an area of research (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Formulating Research Hypotheses (Green Journal Article) - Document - Guidelines on conducting a high quality scientific planning study from concept to reporting

Reviewing Scientific Literature (ESTRO) - Document - ESTRO NL article on how to do peer-review

monitor current advances (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Developing a Research Plan (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Select appropriate equipment and methodology for research (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM on QA of clinical trials

Assess and quantify uncertainty in experimental methods (NIST) - PDF - Guideliness for evaluating and expressing the uncertainity of NIST Measurement Results

Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainties in Radiotherapy (IAEA) - PDF - IAEA Human Health Series No. 31 "Accuracy Requirements and Uncertainties in Radiotherapy"

How to write a small to medium research grant application (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

How to participate in the improvement of medical physics services (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

How to start a collaborate research project (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Statistics for Medical Physics Research (Sean Rose YouTube Channel) - Video - Youtube channel on stastistics for medical physics reasearch projects

Assisting with clinical trials, statistical methods and mathematical modelling with medical staff, data managers and/or statisticians (ESTRO) - HTML - List of open source statistical courses

How to manage your career, goal setting and tracking;

Career managment, goal setting and tracking (IOMP) - Video - Career Management

Non-clinical careers in medical physics (AAPM Virtual Library) - Video - AAPM session on non-clinical careers in medical physics

Best practices for training, mentoring, and supervising staff (IOMP) - Video - Best practices for mentoring

Mentoring (nan) - Presentation-PPT - slides from Dave Fuller, lecture on mentoring

Introductory soft skills development (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

General course on how to teach scientific material

How to teach scientific material (IOMP) - Video - How to teach science

Developing familiarty with online teaching and e-learning (added by JB) (IOMP) - Video - E-learning

Teaching radiation and general physics to different audiences (e.g. radiation therapists, medical staff, students, junior physicists, etc) (AAPM Virtual Library) - PDF - AAPM report on TEACHING OF CLINICAL RADIOLOGICAL PHYSICS TO RESIDENTS IN DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC RADIOLOGY (part of core reading list)

Teaching radiation and general physics to different audiences (e.g. radiation therapists, medical staff, students, junior physicists, etc) (IOMP) - HTML - Teaching medical physics to 14-16 year olds

Teaching radiation and general physics to different audiences (e.g. radiation therapists, medical staff, students, junior physicists, etc) (IOMP) - HTML - Teaching radioactivity

Mentoring or clinical supervision of health professionals (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

Indiviual learning vs. group learning (The Tenney School) - Video - Group vs. Individual Learning

Adult education and professional development (nan) - Missing Resource - nan

End of Course